Sunday, November 05, 2006

So, here is the trouble.....

Having to raise your own support is.......... Worrisome.
I barely get enough money a month to pay the bills. And, I just don't like asking people for money. I mean I put it out there, "hey, I have to raise my own support, please consider it.... Prayerfully," but I don't know. I mean I trust that God is my provider and if I'm being obedient he'll provide, he always does, but I'm just so tired of barely scraping by, or even worse grinding to a halt before I cross the finish line. Don't get me wrong, I'm blessed so much more than I deserve, truly. I'm just selfish, I know, but I get so tired of wondering if I'll have enough to buy groceries..... You know what I mean?

And I'm not putting this out there as a sympathy plea, or even as a subtle request..... It's just been on my mind lately. I know it's just me, and I should be glad I have support, and that I'm even here. And I am totally appreciative of the support I have, I am. I just needed to get the poverty blues off my chest.

God is sufficient. I can rest in that... and I will.


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