Friday, February 16, 2007

Hmmm. I guess it's been awhile, sorry about that. Time has been flying by, and this blog has slipped through my fingers. But here I am. We are starting week 6 of DTS. wow. 6 weeks already! The students are all great. There are 7 americans, 1 Nederlander, 1 Dane, 2 South Africans, and 1 Englander. We are having a great time, and learning more and more about God. It's a different experience being staff. I'm really being stretched in leadership, and learning just what it takes to be a leader. God is awesome, and is constantly showing me new things about Himself. Hong Kong is still amazing. I LOVE IT. It's now Chinese New Year's and excitement is in the air. It's a fun time, and maybe, hopefully I will go see the fireworks on Monday night. But we'll see.... Anyway, I suppose that's a quick catch-me-up. I'll write more later with some specifics!